Raymond Share Price in 1990: Chart, Monthly Trends, & Analysis
How did Raymond shares perform in 1990?
Let's find out!
Raymond share price in 1990 was ₹85 Its price on 1st January 1990 was ₹48.67, and by 31st December 1990 it moved to ₹85, giving a positive return of 74.64% for the year.
Raymond Share Open, High, Low, and Close prices for the Year 1990 are as follows:
Open | High | Low | Close |
₹48.67 | ₹110 | ₹47 | ₹85 |
1st Jan 1990 | Occured in Oct 1990 | Occured in Feb 1990 | 31st Dec 1990 |
This page will help you understand how Raymond performed in 1990. Let's get started.
For complete insights into Raymond’s incredible stock price performance and growth, see: Raymond Historical Share Price Data from its IPO to 2024
Table: Raymond Share Monthly Close, Low, High Prices for 1990
Month | Raymond | Change% | ↑High - ↓Low |
Feb | ₹50 | - | ↑ ₹50.33 ↓ ₹47 |
Mar | ₹54.67 | 9.3% | ↑ ₹58.33 ↓ ₹49.33 |
Apr | ₹53.67 | -1.9% | ↑ ₹55 ↓ ₹52 |
May | ₹62.67 | 16.7% | ↑ ₹65.33 ↓ ₹53 |
Jun | ₹60 | -4.3% | ↑ ₹63 ↓ ₹58 |
Jul | ₹63.33 | 5.5% | ↑ ₹69.33 ↓ ₹57.33 |
Aug | ₹76 | 20% | ↑ ₹80 ↓ ₹58.33 |
Sep | ₹73.33 | -3.6% | ↑ ₹80 ↓ ₹61.67 |
Oct | ₹90 | 22.7% | ↑ ₹110 ↓ ₹73.33 |
Nov | ₹85.83 | -4.7% | ↑ ₹98.33 ↓ ₹76.67 |
Dec | ₹85 | -1% | ↑ ₹92.5 ↓ ₹80 |
Chart: CandleStick and Line Chart Showing Monthly Prices
[Click on line name to show/hide a line]
What if You invested ₹10,000 in Raymond in 1990?
In 1990, the opening price of Raymond share was ₹48.67. Today, the price stands at ₹1,731.05, reflecting a growth of 3,456.7%. If we applying the same growth to your investment of ₹10,000 then, your investment of ₹10,000 in 1990 would have become ₹3.55 Lakh by 2024. This represents a CAGR of 11.08%.
You might also like to check: Raymond Stock Price in 1991
Stock prices on stockpricearchive.com are gathered from reliable sources only. We take prices from stock exchanges only, majorly from BSE and NSE.
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